School Supplies & Grade T-shirt Info

Each year, when identifying supplies needed for the year, we reflect on making sure we are keeping with our beliefs of “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” to be both environmentally and fiscally responsible. The cost of supplies covers a variety of items purchased throughout the school year to enhance the school’s curriculum. Below is a list of illustrate items purchased with these funds: 

  • Classroom supplies, including notebooks, markers, pencils etc
  • Specialist supplies including paint, canvas, PE sports equipment, supplies for science and the Eco Center
  • Specific curriculum-related supplies, including materials for grades and special projects - Kindergarten - book babies, 1st grade neighborhood study, 2nd grade culminating projects and events such as 1st grade neighborhood study 2nd grade NYC Study, 3rd grade Japan Study, 4th grade Cyber Safety, 5th grade health education, Peer Mediation training, various seating to support student learning, fidget tools to assist students
  • Subscriptions to online curriculum for students and resources for teachers - eSpark, Learning Ally, Ruler.

By collecting the funds at the beginning of the year, the school has the flexibility to quickly respond to emerging requests and allow instruction to continue unimpeded. These funds, collected by the PTA, are the main source of supplies for the school and eliminate the need for individual class supply list or wish list.

This year we have a budget of $225 per child (this was reflected in the budget the PTA passed at the June meeting). This includes all the school supplies for the year and your child’s class t-shirt.


✏️ Please visit this link to make your payment.


If you have any questions about these funds, please reach out to the PTA at [email protected]

T-Shirt Order

We are in the process of ordering grade t-shirts for all students.


✏️ Please complete this form by Wednesday, August 28.


For those families that do not complete the form, your child will receive the average size for their grade. 

Individual Supplies 

In addition to shared classroom supplies, each child will need personal supplies listed below. Please make sure to clearly label all items with your child's first, last name and class number, when they bring them in on the 1st day of school. 

  • One backpack large enough to hold a 9X12 folder: Wheelie backpacks are NOT permitted for safety reasons.
  • One reusable water bottle
  • A set of headphones
  • One 2-pocket folder of your child’s choice in color, style and design
  • One pencil case for children in grades 3-5 - your child’s choice soft, hard, color, style